Phase 1 summary

Some key results from the initial project design phase of SNZR which took place in 2020

Technology Solutions

Working with industry several different technology options have been identified at various stages of commercialisation but could be implemented during the roadmap for industrial decarbonisation in Scotland

Initial Net Zero Scenarios

To understand the possible pathways to deliver Net Zero for industry, different scenarios were assessed in Phase 1. Six initial scenarios were developed that map potential impacts on industrial decarbonisation and these are being evolved and revised during Phase 2.

Scenario Fuel Switching Efficiency Process emissions Hproduction COtransport Non-industry: heat Non-industry: transport
Base-case Baseline Moderate CCUS Early Blue, local, early Pipeline, early Electricity, Hydrogen, DHN* Electric cars, H2 trucks
Soft Start Biomass, electricity High CCUS Later Blue, local, early Pipeline, later Electricity, Hydrogen, DHN* Electric
Local H2 network Hydrogen Low CCUS Later Blue, local, early Pipeline, early Electricity, Hydrogen, DHN* Electric cars, H2 trucks
H2 economy Hydrogen High CCUS Early Blue, national, early Pipeline, early Hydrogen H2
Renewables push Biomass, Electricity, Hydrogen Low CCUS Early Green, national, early Pipeline, later Hydrogen, Electricity, Biomass Electric
CO2 shipping Baseline Moderate CCUS Early Blue, local, early Shipping, Rail Electricity, Hydrogen, DHN* Electric cars, H2 trucks


*Domestic Heating Networks

These will be modelling to understand how different technologies might be implemented across the whole of the Scottish cluster.

Want to know more?

The links below provide more information on the Roadmap project to date. We will continue to add to this as we progress the project in the future.

  • Summary report
  • Stakeholder engagement summary
  • Analysis Scottish industrial emissions baseline
  • Scanning of technology options
  • Prioritisation of technologies
  • Scale and cost reductions
  • Scoping of industrial energy system modelling

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